We proudly bring to you here in Corralejo a revolutionary system that merges the surfing technique with a training system that enhances the skills that we develop everyday surfing, such as strength, balance, and coordination, all of this we add the possibility of making repetitive movements and progressing thus our surfing technique at a surprising […]

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In addition to our revolutionary surfing technique training system, we are excited to introduce the integration of yoga into our program. Through the incorporation of yoga, we aim to enhance the skills that surfers develop every day, such as strength, balance, and coordination. This unique combination allows for the practice of repetitive movements, leading to […]

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In addition to our revolutionary surfing technique training system, we are excited to introduce the integration of Pilates into our program. Through the incorporation of Pilates, we aim to enhance the skills that surfers develop every day, such as strength, balance, and coordination. This unique combination allows for the practice of repetitive movements, leading to […]

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